A useful enterprise and scheduling software

Jacknife is versatile enterprise software for businesses and organizations. It includes several specific types of programs and you may choose which to use simply by selecting a program type in settings.

Jacknife Studio is ideal for studios of all kinds, including dance, gymnastics, and karate studios. It includes classes, registrations, rosters, attendance taking, products and purchases.

Jacknife Medical is perfect for doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals. It includes billable treatments and CMS-1500 capabilities, such as automatic entry of primary insurance data, direct printing to "red" OCR forms, plain-paper printing of black and white forms, e.g., for insurance companies, and billing-provider support for electronic claim submissions. RxAssist support is also provided.

Additionally, there is Jacknife Salon, which includes billable services; Jacknife Education, which has classes and rosters; Jacknife Business, with editable time slips and projects that can span multiple days; and Jacknife Law, with time slips and billable services. The "General" edition (the default type) includes ALL of the above capabilities.

Give Jacknife a try to see what it's all about!

Here are some key features of "Jacknife":

· Contacts, merge letters, reminders, passwords, barcode tags, and audit tracking
· Advanced scheduling with date and time blocks, presets, conflict checks, and availability searches
· Network messages, automatic alerts, and regulatory security (including HIPAA)


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